USAutomatic Wireless Keypad (24 access codes) 050500 - Plastic Body

  • US Automatic Wireless Keypad
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Price: $52.10
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  • Compatibilities
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  • Accessory Programming
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  •    Accessory Compatibilities Top of Page

    The USAutomatic 50500 LCR Wireless Keypad is compatible with:

  • U.S. Automatic Sentry 300 Series Single/Dual Swing Solar Gate Opener
  • U.S. Automatic Patriot Single/Dual Swing Solar Gate Operator
  • U.S. Automatic Patriot RSL Single Slide Gate Operator

  • offers more expert assistance than anyone. We have live application specialists available 9am - 9 pm EST 7 days a week.

       Accessory Features Top of Page

    Access Code– The 2 to 5-digit code used to open the gate (24 unique codes are possible). If access code is less than 5 digits it requires the # sign after code is entered. Example: “2 #.” If code is 5 digits the # sign is not required.

    Master Password– The 5-digit code used to access programming features. Factory default is “11111”. This should be changed for security reasons. NOT USED TO OPEN GATE.

    Relay 1– The receiver has 2 relays. P1 (relay 1) is pre-wired to the J1 connector.

    Relay 2– The receiver has 2 relays. P2 (relay 2) is pre-wired to the “Open/Free Exit” on J1 connector. Keypad Security Code (Dip Switch Code) – This code makes your keypad unique to your installation. Keypad does not have dip switches like the transmitter; instead it has virtual dip switches which must be programmed.

    PUK Code– “Password Unblocking Key.” The PUK code is located inside the keypad and is needed when the master password has been lost. Record in space above for future reference. Must be 5 digits long.

    “ * ” Key– located on the keypad is used to cancel last command entered.

    Red Light Blinks – When blinking, the keypad is sending a signal to the receiver. Valid access code was entered.

    Note: Do not install keypad until “Learning Access Codes in Receiver” has been completed. is the DIY factor. further adds to most of our gate openers for easier DIY installation. We have developed exclusive components (example: easy adjustable mounting brackets), customized instructions, and offer a full spectrum of accessories to truly cover all aspects of the installation of your gate opener. In addition we have the largest staff of factory trained technicians in the US.

       Accessory Programming Top of Page

    Programming New Master Password:
  • Enter the Master Password “11111”.
  • Enter “8” If correct, 2 short beeps (if 1 long beep is heard, start over with step 1).
  • Enter the Master Password (up to 5 digits), if less than 5 digits, “#” is required.
  • Enter “8”
  • Enter the Master Password again to verify.
  • Press “8” If correct, 2 short beeps - New Master Password is set (If 1 long beep is heard, start over with step 1).

  • Programming Master Password Back to Factory Default: (11111)
  • Enter “11111”.
  • Press “8” (long beep).
  • Enter PUK code. (PUK must be 5 digits).
  • Press “8”.
  • Enter PUK code to confirm.
  • Press “8” (2 beeps) Master password reset complete.

  • Programming the Keypad for Operation
  • Create Access Code: (Code you use to operate the gate)
  • Enter the Master Password “11111”.
  • Enter “9” If correct, 2 short beeps (if 1 long beep is heard, start over with step 1).
  • Enter the new Access Code (up to 5 digits), if less than 5 digits, “#” is required.
  • Enter “9”
  • Enter the new Access Code again to verify.
  • Enter “1” or “2” representing the relay (relay 1 or 2 in the receiver) you want to control.
  • If correct, 2 short beeps (if 1 long beep is heard, start over with step 1).
  • Now carry keypad to receiver and go to “creating communication with relay 1” below to complete programming.

  • has the resources you need. How do you use your gate opener system once you get it? is the only retailer to give a real answer to this question. We have develop videos for installing many of our gate openers and products and write DIY focused manuals for most gate openers and have individual instructions for each accessory to be installed with each gate opener.

       Product Media Top of Page

    Manual: USAutomatic Wireless Keypad Manual
    QB ID: 050500

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    Reviews (3)
    Great design improvement from previous keypad

    Bought this as a replacement for another USAutomatic Keypad (ants got into it and it stopped working). The design is much improved - the circuit board is not exposed anymore and is covered with a type of black protective coating, hopefully it will work longer than the 2 years of the other one. -Republished from

    Carolyn Tuley
    Great Find

    I was looking for a keypad for my electronic gate. I checked with the manufacturer and they said I had to get it from the installer. The installer quoted me a price over $200. I was so glad to have found this item and it works perfectly. I had to pull out the owners manual for the gate to program the keypad but it sure helps when family or friends come by. -Republished from

    Love my USAutomatic entry system...

    Love my USAutomatic entry system, the USAutomatic Sentry Push to Operate Button Wireless Transmitter works great through the forest at about 350' and the USAutomatic Sentry Wireless Keypad for Sentry Gate Opener at the gate is solid too. The USAutomatic Sentry 300 S Commercial Grade Automatic Gate Opener was a big investment for us that we had planned and researched for years. I knew I was not going to get the cheap brand X that is easy to find most anywhere but I came awfully close to getting one that is much more expensive but luckily I trusted Amazon reviews and now it's my turn to add to it so I can hopefully help someone else enjoy the luxury and peace of mind of having an entry system. I did everything myself, I have above average experience and knowledge of DIY but am not a contractor and I thought it was extremely well presented and the customer service was second to none - that's how they do with American made and backed products from Texas. I waited and waited, on the fence about what to spend my money on and I am so glad I did spend it on this. I bought it here on Amazon, see the verified purchase status up top, and eve thing from the shipping, arrival, installation instructions, looks, performance, and consistency - one year to date with no problems knock on wood - are THE BEST. Like I said, this was a major investment for us at our new house with a lot of build up and frankly a lot of worries about performance, expense, etc. and that's why I am so high on this product because I am convinced it cannot be beat, maybe rivaled but for what, $2,000 more dollars - no thanks! -Republished from

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