BD Loops PreFormed Direct Burial Exit Loops w / 100 Ft. Lead - 6' x 12' / 4' x 14'

  • BD Loops Direct Burial Loops
  • BD Loops Direct Burial Loops
  • BD Loops PreFormed Direct Burial Exit Loops w / 100 Ft. Lead  - 6

Price: $168.00
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  • Loop Placement Formula

  •    Accessory Compatibilities Top of Page

    The BD Loops Preformed Direct Burial Safety or Exit Loop is compatible with: All loop detectors.

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       Accessory Uses Top of Page

    Used for installations under concrete, asphalt, pavers, or gravel roads. The most common installation is the loop tied directly to the rebar before concrete is poured. Wire is UL 493 certified designed for a direct burial application. Unlike loops wrapped through PVC, The BD Loop does not have an air pocket resulting in fewer repeat service calls due to phantom detections caused by ground vibration. Built with a high quality solid 14AWG wire out performing other preformed loops with twice as much copper per foot allowing higher detections. Solid 14AWG wire also results in the loop being very ridged giving the installer the opportunity to easily set-up and layout the loop and prevents the loop from falling in-between the rebar patter. Twisted jacketed lead-in prevents “coil back” from normal twisted lead-in, preventing wasted time untangling lead-in wires. The loop wire has arrows indicating the direction of current allowing easy understanding of phasing. Each loop comes with an installation kit including easy to understand instructions, cable ties for installation on top of rebar, ground stakes for under gravel roads, and stickers for easy identification after the loops have been installed.

    Recommended installation tips:
    • Offset the loop from the rebar pattern.
    • Run lead-in through conduit.
    • Residential applications recommend a 4’ short leg of the loop.
    • Commercial application recommend a 6’ short leg of the loop.

    Direct Burial Loops Installation in Gravel Roads:
    • Position and shape the loop on sub-base. Be sure to use the correct loop size.*
    • Pull lead-in through ½” schedule 40 or 80 rigid PVC. Glue all PVC joints.
    • Dig a 7” to 10” deep trench in the size and place of the loop footprint and lead-in.
    • Fill the trench with one inch of sand base.
    • Lay the loop and lead-in run in the trench on top of sand base and use supplied ground stakes to secure the loop corners.
    • Cover loop and lead-in PVC run with 2.5” of sand. Compact sand around the loop then fill in with road base.
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    Gate Crafters is the DIY factor. Gate Crafters further adds to most of our gate openers for easier DIY installation. We have developed exclusive components (example: easy adjustable mounting brackets), customized instructions, and offer a full spectrum of accessories to truly cover all aspects of the installation of your gate opener. In addition we have the largest staff of factory trained technicians in the US.
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       Accessory Features Top of Page

    • 100 Feet of Lead
    • Thicker 14-gauge loop wire, 4 times more copper than 18-gauge wire.
    • UL 493 Direct burial rated loop wire.
    • Loops sold as a kit: cable ties, ground stakes, and loop lead-in labels.
    • Pre-phased at the factory.
    • Soldered connections.
    • Flex yoke design pre-fitted with ½ inch PVC coupler.
    • No air pocket in loop wire design.
    • BD Loops has been in business for over 9 years with only one loop failure.

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    Gate Crafters has the resources you need. How do you use your gate opener system once you get it? Gate Crafters is the only retailer to give a real answer to this question. We have develop videos for installing many of our gate openers and products and write DIY focused manuals for most gate openers and have individual instructions for each accessory to be installed with each gate opener.
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       Accessory Options Top of Page

    The exit wand is available with 100 feet of lead wire. Choose your desired option above.

    PreFormed Direct Burial Exit Loop 3' x 9' / 4' x 8'
    PreFormed Direct Burial Exit Loop 6' x 10' / 4' x 12'
    PreFormed Direct Burial Exit Loop 6' x 12' / 4' x 14'
    PreFormed Direct Burial Exit Loop 6' x 20' / 4' x 22'

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    Gate Crafters has actual experience. We have a testing area, we have factory and internal training courses, we build gates and have our own gates that are automated, we attended all industry trade shows in multiple countries and are a member of the AFA, and we pay visits to our chosen manufacturers' factories. All these factors are what have lead to us having so many exclusive additions. When you see and actually use as many products as we have you tend to have many ideas for minor changes that have major impacts. We acted on these ideas and have utilized them to help thousands of customers automate their gates.
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       Loop Placement Formula Top of Page

    Use this formula to calculate how far from the gate the loops should be place so that by the time a car reaches the gate, the gate will be completely open:

    Exit Loop formula:    x*(y*1.46)=z

    x = time for gate to open in seconds.
    y = Desired MPH to reach gate.
    z = how far from gate.

    FYI - 1.46 converts miles per hour to feet per second. We also recommend adding in 10 to 20 feet so the gate is fully open at comfortable distance from the gate.

    For placement of a safety loop before and after the gate use the formula below. A safety loop is designed to stop the motion of the gate before the car reaches the gate. The distance below should give an ample amount of time for the gate to stop before hitting a vehicle:

    Safety Formula:     4 feet before a closed gate and after an opened gate.

    When installing the loop wire, it can be placed in an irregular shape, and you will want at least 2 feet of space between the edge of the driveway and the safety loop. The short side of the loop will determine the height of the vehicle it will be able to detect. A safety or exit loop with a short side of 4 feet, will detect cars that are at least 2.7 feet tall. To calculate this height, multiply the short side of the loop by 2/3rds.

       Product Media Top of Page

    Manual: Installation Instructions
    QB ID: EL36-100

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