D&D LokkBolt Drop Rod - LB124BX-KSA

  • D&D LokkBolt Drop Rod

Price: $58.95
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    Are people opening your secure area by simply picking up the drop rod? Are they stealing your drop rod right off the gate? This gem of a drop rod will fix that problem. Featuring a rugged stainless steel and reinforced fiberglass construction this latch is not only functional and looks good, but can also be keyed alike to most house doors. Kwik-set key way. Works for square frame metal or wood gates.

    GateCrafters.com is the DIY factor. GateCrafters.com further adds to most of our gate openers for easier DIY installation. We have developed exclusive components (example: easy adjustable mounting brackets), customized instructions, and offer a full spectrum of accessories to truly cover all aspects of the installation of your gate opener. In addition we have the largest staff of factory trained technicians in the US.

       Accessory Features Top of Page

  • Stainless steel and reinforced fiberglass construction
  • Can be keyed alike
  • Works with square frame metal or wood gates
  • GateCrafters.com has the resources you need. How do you use your gate opener system once you get it? GateCrafters.com is the only retailer to give a real answer to this question. We have develop videos for installing many of our gate openers and products and write DIY focused manuals for most gate openers and have individual instructions for each accessory to be installed with each gate opener.

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    Item has one version

    GateCrafters.com has actual experience. We have a testing area, we have factory and internal training courses, we build gates and have our own gates that are automated, we attended all industry trade shows in multiple countries and are a member of the AFA, and we pay visits to our chosen manufacturers' factories. All these factors are what have lead to us having so many exclusive additions. When you see and actually use as many products as we have you tend to have many ideas for minor changes that have major impacts. We acted on these ideas and have utilized them to help thousands of customers automate their gates.
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    QB ID: LB124BX-KSA

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    Reviews (3)
    This product was exactly as advertised. It worked perfectly for...

    This product was exactly as advertised. It worked perfectly for me. I bought a piece of pvc pipe and sunk it in the ground in order to hold it in place. I mounted it onto my vinyl fence and it worked out just as I had envisioned. Republished from HomeDepot.com

    Very good and solid drop rod

    Made of solid materials, install was pretty easy. The instructions didn’t accommodate my particular fence gate panel, but this piece is easy enough to understand it’s operation that I was able to adjust accordingly. Republished from lowes.com

    Great for your back, no more bending over with small drop rods. Strong with great brackets and s...

    Great for your back, no more bending over with small drop rods. Strong with great brackets and self tapping screws. Powder coating is nice. Republished from HomeDepot.com

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