Ready to Ship Dual Swing Driveway Gate 19 ft Long Made in USA

  • Ready to Ship Dual Swing Driveway Gate 19 ft Long Made in USA
  • Ready to Ship Dual Swing Driveway Gate 19 ft Long Made in USA

Original Price: $2,951.00
Sale Price: Price: $2,360.80

In Stock

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Disclaimer - Only 1 item available. If you add more than one, your order will be adjusted to include only one. Only on our Ready to Ship Gates.

Shipping Information: Please note that shipping through carriers typically takes 1 to 3 days. However, custom products such as forestry and 3 rail custom gates may take 1 to 2 weeks to ship, in addition to the 1 to 3 days for carrier delivery. If you choose to powder coat your product, please allow up to 2 weeks for processing, plus the carrier shipping time. If you have any questions, please give us a call at (800) 537-4263.

   Product Details
  • Description
  • Specifications
  • Standard Features & Additional Options
  • Automation & Warranty Information
  • Gate Construction
  • Why Gate Crafters
  •    Description Top of Page

    A custom designed gate made with 6061-T6 Aluminum Alloy.

    • Dual Swing Gate with Standard Arch
    • Two Bars on Top
    • Two Bars on Bottom
    • Black Powder Coating
    • Price of $2360.80 includes: Hinge Blocks + J Bolts (Hinge Plates are Available Upon Request) 
    • Not Includes: Post (Available Upon Request; 3x3 Post for an Additional $425 or 4x4 Post for an Additional $540) and $200 Refundable Gate Boot Fee & Residential Fee (If Shipping Address is NOT a Commercial Address)
    • $299 Flat Rate Shipping *adding post may increase freight
       Specifications Top of Page
  • Length: 19 feet 9 inches
  • Height: 6 feet
  • Gate Direction: Swing
  • From the innovative brand Estate Swing known for its dependable gate automation comes the new eye catching and affordable Estate Swing Driveway Gate Collection. This elegant 19 feet 9 inches long dual swing gate is functional both in its appearance and in regard to automation. The design incorporates classic artistry, and sturdy wrought aluminum alloy and has been stylishly powder coated black. Unlike other driveway gates where automation is a secondary thought, Estate Swing recognized the need for operator placement from the start; therefore customer automation preferences were considered beforehand which ultimately prevents awkward looking and structurally unsound flat bars from being added later on. See “gate construction” below for more details on how other gate companies fail to create much needed automation support.

    By using 6061-T6 wrought aluminum ¾ inch pickets and a full 2 inch square frame members we create a tough and durable gate that is stronger lighter and is almost twice as resistant to denting or bending than steel, which in turn, is safer for people and objects as well as extends the operator life since it puts less strain on the gears. As gate automation professionals, Estate Swing sought to anticipate the needs of consumers and incorporate those details when designing this dynamic driveway gate. It’s easy to drill, easy to lift, easy to automate which keeps both the DIY installation effort and cost down significantly.

    One other unique factor about our Estate Swing Driveway Gate Collection is that they are made in the U.S. by skilled welders which follow the American Welding Society's Standards. Keeping the manufacturing local allows for efficient quality review and substantially quicker shipping time compared to overseas outsourcing.

    With all of these features and benefits another company would charge a much higher price, but because has a special relationship with Estate Swing, we've decided to pass the savings on to you! From our loyal GateCrafters customers we've heard the request for affordable security. Never before has such a well designed driveway gate been so accessible and so affordably priced.

       Standard Features & Additional Options Top of Page

    Each Estate Swing Driveway Gate comes standard with finials and end caps. However, you do have the option to upgrade your finials (and replace the standard) by selecting from the related items offered below.

       Gate Construction Top of Page

    As mentioned above the construction of the Estate Swing Driveway Gate compared to other brands is no subtle difference because automation concerns were implemented during its design process. Only as an afterthought will other gate manufactures add on narrow, structurally unsound flat bars to attach the operator - which negatively affects the gates overall structural integrity. Either the bars become loose which puts uneven pressure on the opener as it retracts (scraping the paint and striping away at the core metal). Or if it does stay in place, that plate is bolted to only 2 or 3 pickets leaving those few narrow pickets to uphold the weight, movement and pressure of the opener. Meanwhile, Estate Swing Driveway Gates are supported by the full frame and entire collection of thicker than average pickets. It is clear that many customers seek to automate their gate, so Estate Swing Driveway Gates were designed to achieve this purpose not as an afterthought but as a main feature of its design.

    Estate Swing Driveway Gates are made with 6061-T6 wrought aluminum alloy and then powder coated for a protective seal and uniform color. The 6061-T6 wrought aluminum is a high-grade alloy with a yield strength of about 40,000 pounds per square inch*. For comparison, this is much stronger than “mild steel” which has a yield strength at about 20,000 to 30,000 pounds per square inch. Furthermore aluminum will not rust. 6061-T6 wrought aluminum is used for the purpose of durability and resiliency, providing a quality dent resistance and lasting beauty. Compare Aluminum vs. Steel Gates Here

    Powder coating is the process by which powdered pigment is applied to and cured on a surface. It consists of a mechanical and/or chemical treatment of the surface to remove impurities and contaminants followed by the application of the pigments. Then the material is cured at high temperatures which makes the pigments flow together and react chemically to form the coating. Powder coating is preferred for certain surfaces because it creates or contains close to no volatile organic compounds and does not sag or run with thicker coats. The overspray can also be recycled so there is little waste, making it less expensive and creating less hazardous waste. Our Estate Swing Driveway Gates are powder coated to provide the most uniform appearance possible.

    Estate Swing Gates are powder coated in the USA by a DuPont certified powder coater. DuPont coatings deliver quality results through transfer efficiency and premium coverage. As a trusted industry leader, DuPont's powder coating formulations offer environmentally responsible coatings that reduce waste while providing a superior end finish.

    Estate Swing Gates' certified powder coater also went under rigorous testing and analysis to achieve DuPont Platinum Certification, one of two prestigious companies in America to hold this honor. Every Estate Swing Gate holds this durable, long-lasting DuPont powder coated finish resulting in an exceptional product line of quality driveway gates.
    DuPont Certified

       Automation & Warranty Information Top of Page

    As mentioned above, the Estate Swing Driveway Gates were designed with the purpose of automation in mind. Most of the single swing Estate Swing Brand gate openers are compatible with this driveway gate. Furthermore, all of the Estate Swing Driveway Gates come with a limited lifetime warranty. This warranty is provided by the manufacturer for structural integrity against defects in materials and workmanship.

       Why Gate Crafters? Top of Page

    With our detailed easy to follow instruction manuals and 24/7/365 tech support Gate Crafters has revolutionized the "Do It Yourself" process. Projects that once seemed difficult have been simplified with innovative products, superior tech support, customer service, and easy to follow instructions. No other retail store or website has this level of commitment to support DIY customers. We at Gate Crafters realize that your expectations as a customer go further then the actual sale which is why Gate Crafters stands alone in demonstrating that customers are our #1 priority.

    * 6061-T6 Aluminum PSI Yield Strength verified at:
    FergusonPerforating and GabrianInternational

    *Shipping gates has always been a challenge given their size and weight. GateCrafters has developed a unique shipping accessory and process and to ensure your gate arrives in perfect condition. After your gate arrives, the shipping accessory will need to be returned. Instructions and a prepaid shipping label will be attached to assist you with its return. A temporary $200.00 authorization hold will be placed on your form of payment by Web Direct Brands, Inc.'s Gate Lift Equipment. The hold will be released once the equipment is returned.*


    QB ID: RTS

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