EMX Drive Thru Vehicle Exit Sensor Vehicle Detector USVD-4X

  • emx-drive-thru-vehicle-exit-sensor-usvd-4x
  • EMX Drive Thru Vehicle Exit  Sensor USVD-4X
Brand: EMX

Price: $234.00
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  •    Accessory Compatibilities Top of Page

    The EMX Drive Thru Vehicle Exit Sensor is compatible with: All gate openers.*

    GateCrafters.com offers more expert assistance than anyone. We have live application specialists available 9am - 9 pm EST 7 days a week.

       Accessory Uses Top of Page

    The EMX Drive Thru Vehicle Exit Sensor is a multipurpose exit sensor and vehicle detector that allows hands free access; and, because of its simple design, it is compatible with most gate openers including the Estate Swing, Apollo, Zareba, and many others. This sensor is a great alternative to a driveway loop. The EMX USVD-4X uses ultrasonic sound waves to detect the presence of a moving vehicle.

    This sensor utilizes ultrasonic sound waves to detect the presence of a moving vehicle.

    Note: Exit wands / sensors should not be used on properties in which the driveway gate is designed to keep in pets, children or live stock due to possibility for unintentional openings. Our suggestion is to use a keypad for exiting so the gate will only open when it is intended to by code.

    GateCrafters.com is the DIY factor. GateCrafters.com further adds to most of our gate openers for easier DIY installation. We have developed exclusive components (example: easy adjustable mounting brackets), customized instructions, and offer a full spectrum of accessories to truly cover all aspects of the installation of your gate opener. In addition we have the largest staff of factory trained technicians in the US.

       Accessory Features Top of Page

  • Access Control: Can be used as a free exit vehicle detector for gates, overhead doors and parking barriers.
  • Safety: Can be used to detect moving vehicles in an environment where there are blind areas along the driving path and actuates warning      lights.
  • Energy Conservation: Can be used to detect moving vehicles along a driving path or driveway and turn lights on only in the proximity of the      vehicle.
  • Security: Can be used to detect approaching vehicles or an unauthorized movement of a parked vehicle and actuate alarms, video cameras or      vehicle annunciator.
  • 2 year manufacturer warranty

  • GateCrafters.com has the resources you need. How do you use your gate opener system once you get it? GateCrafters.com is the only retailer to give a real answer to this question. We have develop videos for installing many of our gate openers and products and write DIY focused manuals for most gate openers and have individual instructions for each accessory to be installed with each gate opener.

       Accessory Options Top of Page

    The exit wand is available with the following amount of lead wire.
    You may not extend the wire.
  • 50' Lead Wire

  • GateCrafters.com has actual experience. We have a testing area, we have factory and internal training courses, we build gates and have our own gates that are automated, we attended all industry trade shows in multiple countries and are a member of the AFA, and we pay visits to our chosen manufacturers' factories. All these factors are what have lead to us having so many exclusive additions. When you see and actually use as many products as we have you tend to have many ideas for minor changes that have major impacts. We acted on these ideas and have utilized them to help thousands of customers automate their gates.

       Product Media Top of Page

    Manual: Instruction Manual
    Manual: Spec Sheet
    QB ID: USVD-4X

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    Reviews (3)
    works as advertised

    My old driveway exit wand was failing intermittently which meant it was possible that friends or Emergency vehicles would not be able to exit property. Took me 2 weeks to dig a trench by hand to install, but new wand works great. -Republished from Amazon.com

    We love this exit sensor

    We bought several components for our Mighty Mule gate. We love the exit sensor. We don't have to have a remote in each vehicle and our friends and family can exit without us having to drive down the driveway to let them out. I suggest that you buy at least 50 ft sensor and install all of it. We got the 50 ft and decided we would only use 30 feet of it. Bad choice. We are right up to the gate, wish we would have used all the 50 ft. If we ever have to replace this (which I hope not) then we are definitely using all 50 ft of it. I suggest if you have moles or gophers that you run the wire in conduit. Less chances of having them bite through it. -Republished from Amazon.com

    H. Wright
    Worked great. True test then came with massive winter storm

    Installed the sensor according to instructions - critical to do that. Worked great. True test then came with massive winter storm. The sensor was flooded and under 2 feet of water.... and worked perfectly! -Republished from Amazon.com

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