EMX Ultra II D-TEK Plug In Style Vehicle Safety or Exit Loop Detector

  • EMX Ultra II D TEK Plug In

Price: $86.73
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  •    Accessory Compatibilities Top of Page

    The EMX Ultra II D-TEK Plug In Style Vehicle Safety or Exit Loop Detector, when wired is compatible with: All loop detectors.

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       Accessory Uses Top of Page

    The UltraIIDTEK™ vehicle loop detector is compatible with most gate operators. The UltraIIDTEK™ may be used in Center, Safety, and Exit loop positions. The UltraMETER™ display feature makes setup easy by displaying the optimum sensitivity setting required to detect a vehicle positioned on the loop. Ten sensitivity settings allow for fine adjustment of detection level. A PULSE/PRESENCE switch allows configuration of output relay for presence or one second pulse on entry operation. Four frequency settings provide flexibility in preventing crosstalk in multi-loop applications.

  • Sensitivity: 10 levels, 0-9
  • UltraMETER™ Display: Indicates optimum sensitivity level, 0-9 diagnostic aid
  • Loop Frequency: 4 settings
  • Loop inductance: 20 - 200μH
  • Grounded Loop: Isolation transformer allows operation with poor quality loops
  • Automatic Tuning: Detector tunes to loop on power-up and following frequency count function
  • Environmental Tracking: Automatic compensation
  • Surge Protection: Loop circuitry protected by surge suppressors.
  • Detect Output: COM, NO and NC contacts
  • Power / loop fault indicator: Green LED
  • Detect / frequency count indicator: Red LED
  • ASB (Automatic Sensitivity Boost): Increases sensitivity after initial detection to prevent dropout due to high-bed vehicles
  • Relay Operation: Presence or one-second pulse on entry
  • Power: 12-24VDC, 24VAC
  • Operating Current: 18 mA
  • Operating Temperature: -40°F-180°F (-40°C-82°C) 0-95% relative humidity
  • Dimensions: 3" length x 0.9" width x 2 3/4" height
  • Weight: 0.15 lbs
  • Connector: 7 position male
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    GateCrafters.com is the DIY factor. GateCrafters.com further adds to most of our gate openers for easier DIY installation. We have developed exclusive components (example: easy adjustable mounting brackets), customized instructions, and offer a full spectrum of accessories to truly cover all aspects of the installation of your gate opener. In addition we have the largest staff of factory trained technicians in the US.
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       Accessory Features Top of Page

  • Frequency counter/reset switch
  • 10 sensitivity settings
  • Loop diagnostics
  • CE Compliant
  • Lightning and surge protection
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    GateCrafters.com has the resources you need. How do you use your gate opener system once you get it? GateCrafters.com is the only retailer to give a real answer to this question. We have develop videos for installing many of our gate openers and products and write DIY focused manuals for most gate openers and have individual instructions for each accessory to be installed with each gate opener.
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       Words from Senior Application Engineer, Anthony Gaeto Top of Page

    “We are always getting questions about how gate exit wands work and how they are different from exit loops.

    Exit wands are what is know as a magnetometer which senses changes in the Earth’s magnetic field. An easy way to explain how exit wands work is to picture a boat traveling through the water. As the boat is traveling it is creating waves. As your car travels through the magnetic field of the Earth it creates similar waves, like the boat. The exit wand’s magnetometer picks up on these waves as you travel by the wand. One downside of exit wands is that they do loose sight of your vehicle when it is stopped.

    Gate Crafters carries 5 different types of exit wands that work very similar to each other. The only difference between these wands are some of their features. The GTO/PRO wireless exit wand is wireless between the magnetometer and receiver. The Gate Crafters exit wand is manufactured by EMX and has been around for years. The GTO exit wand is recommend for use with other GTO openers and accessories. The Estate Swing exit wand does come with a range control board that allow you to adjust the sensitivity of the magnetometer. This feature allows you tune down the range of the exit wand, so that vehicles such as a lawn mower doesn’t set open your gate, but this isn’t a complete failsafe, as it will still operate the gate opener when something is nearby. The Estate Swing Deluxe Exit wand is the most different from the other exit wands. It is constructed out of copper and features a ground cable that attach to a grounding rod that helps protect this exit wand from lightning strikes. The other 4 exit wands do not have this feature and are susceptible to damage from lightning strikes. Also the Estate Swing Deluxe Exit Wand comes with a 5 year warranty, which is longer than any other exit wand we sell.

    Exit loops differ from exit wands in that they are buried in the driveway in a loop and are wire to the gate opener. The way exit loops work is that they detect the presence of metal (your car) above the loop. It does not matter if your car is moving or not, the loop will detect the car. Besides being used to exit your property, exit loops are used for safety. When exit loops are used a safety device, they will prevent your gate from closing on your car, when it detect a car nearby to your gate. The exit loop is wired to a exit loop detector, which is then wired into your gate opener’s control board.

    GateCrafters.com is a one stop shop for gate openers and gate accessories at a great price. Gate Crafters was started on the idea of providing gate opener and accessories along with great customer service to our valued customers. We have technical support available to you 7 days a week from 9 am to 9 pm, eastern time. Our experts are standing by to take your phone call, answer your email, or chat with you with our live chat on our website. We welcome any question you may have and can help you put together a complete package for you so your gate operates how you want it to. We look forward to hearing from you."

       Accessory Options Top of Page

    Single version

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    GateCrafters.com has actual experience. We have a testing area, we have factory and internal training courses, we build gates and have our own gates that are automated, we attended all industry trade shows in multiple countries and are a member of the AFA, and we pay visits to our chosen manufacturers' factories. All these factors are what have lead to us having so many exclusive additions. When you see and actually use as many products as we have you tend to have many ideas for minor changes that have major impacts. We acted on these ideas and have utilized them to help thousands of customers automate their gates.
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       Product Media Top of Page

    Manual: Instruction Manual
    QB ID: Ultra II

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