
Answer the question being asked by choosing one of the choices given to you.

If you are unsure what the question means, please click on the question mark for a detailed explanation.

The explanation is given in a pop-up window; you may need to change your pop-up blocking settings to allow pop-ups from our site.

At the end of the questions, we will give you our:

"Top Picks" which are gate openers we feel are perfect for your situation.

"Quality Choices" which are gate openers that will also handle your situation and are quality brands. These choices are not in the top pick because certain features of the top picks may have advantages in your situation that will result in a longer life span, better performance, better appearance, better handling, or many other reasons.

"Within Manufacturer's Specifications" which are gate openers that the manufacturer has rated to handle your situation, but we do not feel it is the best choice given the information you have presented.